
Natural Remedies For Immune Support

Natural Remedies For Immune Support

Natural Remedies for Kids

Our immune system was created to be our body’s first line of defense. It has one major job, to protect and defend against bacteria, viruses, and self-mutated cells. If we support our immune system, we are giving it everything it needs to do its job. 

Some major immune suppressors that overwork our other body systems, so that our immune system cannot function as it was created are sugar, processed foods, caffeine, stress, and environmental toxins. Many families see an immediate improvement in their overall wellness simply by clearing the chemical cleaning products out of their homes.

So, what can we do?

There is so much information and product out there about how to support a healthy immune system, boost immunity, kick a cold, cover up the symptoms of a cold. It’s not easy to know what to choose or what will be right for your kids. The drug store is full of all kinds of medicines that really just suppress our symptoms and don’t boost your immunity. If you want to get better faster you want to boost your immune system, not just cover up a cold.

There are some great natural alternatives for boosting the immune system that I use consistently for my family and we have seen great results, so I’ll share those here.

Therapeutic grade Essential Oils that are wonderful for immune support. They can be used daily as a means of prevention or when you need to get ahead of something coming on and kick it fast.

Immune Boosting Essential Oils

  • Thieves
  • Frankincense
  • Oregano
  • Lemon

Topical application for babies and children - dilute the mixture with a carrier oil based on the age and per the instructions on the bottle. Typically 1:30 ratio for babies.

Diffusing for babies and children - 4-5 drops in a diffuser with water.

Internal use - for children old enough to swallow a pill - place 3-4 drops the oils in a vegetable capsule.

Please note: oils that should be avoided for babies (1 day to 2 years old) include: Eucalyptus, basil, juniper, peppermint, hyssop and wintergreen.

Oils that should be avoided during pregnancy include: basil, birch, calamus, cassia, cinnamon bark, hyssop, Idaho tansy, lavandin (a form of lavender often sold in stores), rosemary, sage, tarragon and wintergreen.

Other Immune Boosters

My other go-to’s when sniffles or sore throats start to set in are:

  • Vitamin C
  • Colloidal Silver - can help boost the effects of antibiotics and boost the immune system.
  • Elderberry Syrup is a potent cold and flu remedy (recipe here).

Please reach out if you have any questions and be well!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, these suggestions are based on my own experience. None of the information you read here is meant to be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Always do your own research and consult your favorite qualified healthcare practitioner before making important health decisions. 

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